Which intervention should you deploy for a successful Office 365 adoption?

Maybe you’re familiar with this situation: you’ve just had a training or coaching session about something new. You’re enthusiastic, inspired and eager to set to work on it. Until you get to the office the next day, and you find your day is actually over before you have even been able to apply something you learned from that training yesterday. Is this due to your lack of perseverance? How do you make sure that you can immediately use that new knowledge? And when do you know if that training was effective?

The Cue 16/10/2020

There are multiple methodologies to help you apply and maintain new methods and new ICT tools (such as Office 365). Some examples are training sessions, e-learning courses, coaching and gamification. Our own solution, gamification, is one of these interventions. We believe that each methodology is most effective at different times.


The goal of gamification is to use new behaviour on the work floor. Gamification is very applicable for general scenarios which are relevant for all employees. We’re talking about broader topics such as effective meetings, smart collaboration, and the like.

Gamification is a scalable methodology you can use to easily reach a large number of employees. So, you don’t have to train 200 or 2,000 colleagues. Teams playing the game who want to know more or get stuck then go to a trainer or a coach, which makes the use of a consultant effective. Because gamification examines ways of working and challenges employees in competition, fun or mastery, they remain motivated to learn.


  1. Easily reach a large group of employees
  2. Improve on general solutions
  3. Help teach the basic skills of Office 365 (level 1, 2, 3 on a scale of 5)
  4. Explain WHAT


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